Dr. Phong Hong Vu
Monitoring and Evaluation Expert
PhD Sociology
Master of Public Health
Master of Medical Anthropology
BSc Sociology
A sociologist with over fifteen years of social and cultural research experience, Phong began his research career as a gender analyst with a local Vietnamese NGO. He took a keen interest in issues ranging from reproductive and sexual health, urbanization, and climate change to substance abuse, ethnic minorities, disability and livelihood restoration pertaining to resettlement.
Phong’s technical expertise enables him to employ a variety of social research methodologies to analyze data and report the findings—these tools include EpiData, Stata, NVivo and SQL. Using these methods, Phong is able to develop a reliable monitoring system with valid performance indicators to be used in baseline, midline or end-line evaluation reports.
Phong worked as a socio-economic specialist on the US$9 billion Nghi Son Refinery and Petroleum oil refinery project, one of the largest infrastructure developments in Vietnamese history. His primary responsibility was to assess the impact of various livelihood restoration programs as well as delivering a final end-line report pertaining to International Finance Corporations Performance Standard 5 (pertaining to land acquisition and involuntary resettlement). The final report analyzed looked at whether displaced households were able to maintain or improve their livelihoods compared to before the project began.
Phong’s wide ranging academic experience includes societal perceptions of disabled people, civic organizations and charitable donations. He was instrumental in assisting with a media strategy to turn research findings into key messages in order to encourage the public to change their perceptions of gender roles, ethnic minorities, substance use and rural development.
Phong has also taught in numerous academic and private sector training programs in medical sociology and data analysis.